Texas Glory waits, then accelerates to 16u championship at TC Nationals

July 19, 2024

CHINO HILLS, CA – Two teams hacked their way through arduous conditions and tough competition during the 16u TC Nationals event to reach the championship game, all coming up with timely hits and clutch pitching efforts to reach the final stage.


So to see the Texas Glory administer a top-to-bottom clinic in execution at the finish line is impressive from every angle, as you might expect with its 16-0, run-rule win Thursday over the BSC Bengals-Gurule at Chino Hills Community Park.


The highlight parade for the Glory includes, but is not limited to, the two homeruns and seven RBI off the bat of Avery Howerton, three hits and three RBI from Presley Kilgore, and the pitching prowess of Madeline Doty, Howerton and Hayden Mowery, who joined forces to allow one hit, three walks and notch seven strikeouts over five innings.


Even so, the argument can be made that patience was the primary weapon for the Glory. In building its lead to 11-0 over three innings, the squad holstered the bats and waited out six walks, enough to populate the day with baserunners and seize this national championship, produced by Triple Crown Sports.


“It’s really hard (being patient). You want to get the hit, you want to do good, and you want to wait for your pitch,” Howerton said. “If you don’t wait, you’ll probably ground out or hurt the team. You can’t be selfish about it.


“That was one of my best games. It was fun, and that’s a good team we played … we have been playing our butts off in these (late-season) tournaments. We like each other, talk to each other, and always are trying to do better and keep our foot on the gas.”


“Yes, especially at 16 years old they want to show off what they are capable of,” said Glory head coach Kevin Shelton. “When they understand and buy into the team concept, it gets a lot easier. The team approach is one of the biggest things we try to do, and when they buy in you are able to get results like that.”


Kilgore’s two-run double in the first inning helped open up a 3-0 lead, and her fifth-inning solo shot was the final run of the game. In between, leadoff hitter Finlee Williams was outstanding with four hits, two RBI and four runs, and Kennedy Bradley also drove in two runs.


“I don’t think it was any one specific person – all of us played our role, played our part, and we were able to achieve what we did,” Kilgore said. “You have to try and play every moment like it’s the biggest in your career, but you have to make it a little moment in your mind. You can’t play for yourself.”


Shelton suggested this roster has needed some time to mentally embrace the finer points that have made other Glory rosters so successful – physically, the 16’s are certainly on their way to being a handful, as they look like they’d be a terrific basketball or volleyball team as well.


“It’s a young group, full of energy, and we are deep. That came into play, with enough good players to keep us fresh so we could continue to play hard,” Shelton said. “Our pitchers were fantastic – Doty leads the way, but our defense is great behind all the pitchers. Avery is a great change of pace from Maddy, and Hayden comes in and cleans things up. But the defense believes in all of them, and we were able to turn a double play there at the end to finish it.”